Rebel Inc. Scenario Creator Help and FAQ
The Rebel Inc. Scenario Creator is a sophisticated tool that allows players to create their own exciting scenarios and share them with the world. The Rebel Inc. Scenario Creator has been designed to allow intermediate players to jump right in and edit a few simple variables and craft their own scenarios. But it also empowers more advanced players to radically overhaul how many parts of the game’s functionality.
When is the Scenario Creator coming to Steam?
It's out now! Get Rebel Inc. Escalation to use it!
When is the Scenario Creator coming to Mobile?
The Rebel Inc. Scenario Creator is out now on iOS and Android devices!
I’ve got a really great idea for a new feature in the Scenario Creator.
Send your idea in! We’re always keen to hear ideas from the Ndemic Community!
Is there an example Scenario I could download to get the idea of how to make one?
We recommend checking out some our featured scenarios either on Steam or in the Popular tab.
Are there any rules for making Scenarios?
We want you to be free to create whatever you want, but at the same time we do have to set a few ground rules, check our full terms and conditions here, but here are the basics:
Make high quality content that you are proud of, it must not bring the game into disrepute.
We reserve the right to remove content we deem as including but not limited to: offensive, harassment, spam, advertising or inappropriate for Rebel Inc.
Be respectful of other people’s copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights – don’t use materials that do not belong to you.
Do not claim that your Scenario is ‘official’ or endorsed by Ndemic Creations.
Scenarios are for personal use or free public use. You are not allowed to make commercial use of Scenarios or the Scenario Creator- which means no making money from them. (The sole exception to this is the monetization of ‘let’s play’ videos which IS allowed.)
Do not hack, cheat, exploit, reverse engineer, disassemble or seek to cause any harm in relation to, Rebel Inc. Scenarios or the Scenario Creator.
There’s something I want to edit in my scenario but I can't see a way to do it. What should I do?
Unfortunately, there are some areas of the game which are not currently possible to edit with the Scenario Creator. In the future we may expand the Scenario Creator with additional features. If this is something specific that you would like us to support, let us know here or on Discord.
Be sure to check all of the Editors as what you're looking to edit may already exist as a combination of multiple Editors or variables.
My Scenario is not working as I expected. What should I do?
The Scenario Creator is a sophisticated tool that allows players to customise the nuts and bolts of the game. As such it’s possible to create Scenarios which don’t work correctly. If you'd like to troubleshoot specifics of your Scenario, be sure to check out our Discord, Reddit and Steam communities, which are full of passionate players, experienced with the Scenario Creator so they are a great place to get tips and advice.
Can I test my scenario while I’m making it?
Click on the ‘cog’ menu in the top-right of the screen and press ‘Test’ to open the Scenario in Rebel Inc.
How do I publish a scenario?
Be sure to save your scenario first, then quit to the main menu. Go to "Load & Publish", select the scenario you want to publish, then select "Publish". On Mobile, you will need a Ndemic Nexus account, you will be prompted to create one or sign in when publishing. On Steam, you just need to be logged into Steam and online.
How do I browse and play my Scenarios?
First of all, make sure that your Scenario is saved in the Scenario Creator (give it a memorable and descriptive name!). You can save your Scenario through the ‘cog’ menu in the top right of the screen. On Steam, all your saved Scenarios can be found by pressing the ‘Scenarios’ button in the single player menu of Rebel Inc. and then pressing play.
How can I update or edit a Scenario which I have already published?
Find the scenario in the ‘Load & Publish’ screen (it will have a tick to indicate that it is already published). Press the ‘Load’ button on this scenario, and make any changes before finally saving. Revisit the ‘Load & Publish’ screen and again find the scenario in the list view (it will now have an ! icon to indicate that there are unpublished changes). Press the ‘Publish’ button again to update your Scenario with the latest local version.
How can I reset all of the variables in an Editor?
You can clear all edited variables from an editor by pressing the trash icon in the top right of the screen. This will reset all values in that Editor back to their default game values. Please note that you can not recover your changes once they have been reset. The ‘Scenario Overview’ Editor is always on and can not be disabled.
How do I make Player Tactics, Insurgent Tactics or Map Features?
The Scenario Creator allows players to create similar effects to the Tactics and Features seen in Campaign mode, by directly modifying variables across the various Editors. To communicate these changes to your players, you can add names, icons and descriptions in the ‘Custom Tactics & Features’ section in the Scenario Overview, allowing you create and explain Tactics and Features with your own twist!
How do I spawn a Tank, or another special unit type?
In order to spawn a Tank you must check the box to deploy a Soldier (Coalition or National) and select ‘Tank’ in the attachment drop down in the Initiative Editor, when creating a new Initiative. A Tank will be deployed when the Initiative is funded.
The same method can be used for Urban, Rural and Remote specialists too.
How can I make Custom Government Actions?
Select an Initiative in the Initiative Editor, scroll all the way to the bottom and click/tap the button to create a new Zone Action. This will reveal a series of variables which will control the effects which occur in a Zone when the Initiative is rolled out. Some Initiatives have special conditions hard-coded into them, which can’t be created from scratch. However, Initiatives with special conditions can be duplicated and then customised. Special conditions are described at the top of the scroll, when selected. Creating custom Concerns or Priorities is not currently supported in Scenario Creator.
How do I find new Scenarios on PC?
Scenarios made by players from all over the world can be found on the Steam Workshop. This can be accessed by pressing the ‘find new scenarios’ button in the Scenario browser inside Rebel Inc., or by visiting the Steam workshop. From here, find a Scenario you like and click "Subscribe" to download it! You will need to be signed into your Steam account to Subscribe.
How do I find new Scenarios on Mobile?
Scenarios made by players from all over the world can be found on the in "Scenarios" browser. From here, find a Scenario you like and tap "Download" to download it!
I've seen an offensive scenario!
Please use the in-game report function or let us know via email so we can investigate and take action if required.
How do I let other people play my Scenarios?
Scenarios must be published before they can be downloaded by other players. On the main menu of the Scenario Creator press the ‘Load & Publish’ button. This will show all of your locally saved scenarios. Find your Scenario in the list and press the ‘Publish’ button to share it with the world. Before you publish your Scenario make sure that it’s got a memorable title and a good description! Scenarios which have been published will be marked with a tick icon in the list view.
I would like some feedback on my Scenario
Our Discord, Reddit and Steam communities are full of passionate players, experienced with the Scenario Creator so they are a great place to get tips, advice and feedback.
I would like more people to play my Scenario!
Best way to get your Scenario out there is in the community, our Discord, Reddit and Steam communities are full of passionate players who are the perfect audience for your Scenario!
Can I make a Scenario for my friends only?
You can change who has access to your published Scenarios by finding the Scenario in the ‘Load & Publish’ screen and changing ‘visibility’ dropdown. You can set your scenarios to be Public, Friends Only, or Private.
How can I recover a Scenario which I no longer have the file locally on my computer?
If you have a scenario which is published, but no longer on your device, these can be redownloaded via the ‘Load & Publish’ Screen (look for Scenarios in the list view with blue backgrounds at the bottom of the list on Steam, or red backgrounds on mobile). Once you’ve found your Scenario, press the import button to redownload it. You can also unpublish Scenarios from the Ndemic Nexus or Steam Workshop which you don’t have the local files for - however, be careful as this will delete them entirely.
Why are some of my uploaded images in the image browser disappearing when I publish my Scenario?
Any images which players have uploaded, but not actively used in their Scenario are automatically deleted when it is published to save space on the server.
Can I create a shortcut for Scenario Creator so I don’t have to open the main game to find it?
In Steam, navigate to Rebel Inc: Escalation in your Library. Right click on Rebel Inc: Escalation > Manage > Browse local files. This will open the files for the game in your file browser. Open the file called scenario creator you find here, to reveal an executable named ‘Rebel Inc. Scenario Creator.exe’. Right click on this and select ‘Create Shortcut’ from the dropdown menu. This will create a shortcut to the Scenario Creator which can then be moved to a location of your choosing.