Hi contaminated companions,
We've been very busy working on a number of different things here at Ndemic HQ, from bovine-flavoured new Plague Inc. updates to Plague Inc: The Board Game stock shenanigans, so I wanted to take the time to fill you all in!

The Mad Cow Disease Update is coming!
Earlier this month we revealed the first details on the next big update for Plague Inc., which introduces three all new scenarios: 'Mad Cow Disease', 'Flight Club', and 'Where Is Everyone?'. Expect plenty of moo-tations, a world full of airports (including in Greenland!), and a proper post-apocalyptic challenge.
Plague Inc. featured by Apple for iOS11 launch!
Apple’s new look App Store, which launched alongside iOS11, features a lot more editorial content, and it chose Plague Inc. to be one of the first games to feature with an extended article and interview piece. It looks especially cool, so if you have an iOS11 device click here to get an eye full.

Plague Inc: The Board Game back in stock (soon!)
Amazon US has run out of copies of the board game (a good problem to have!), but have no fear as we’ve got a literal boatload of freshly printed copies on their way over there right now (we made it through customs with thousands of boxes labelled ‘PLAGUE’ again - phew!). For those keen on grabbing a copy for Christmas gifting purposes, we should have plenty of games ready just in time for the holidays.
Competition winners to be announced soon!
Back in August we launched a board game-themed Scenario Creator competition for players and creators to get stuck into. We’d originally planned to pick out winners earlier, but the sheer number and quality of entrants means it’s taken a bit longer than expected to play through them all! We’re almost done though, so expect winners to be unveiled (and prizes dished out) very soon.
In the meantime: stay healthy!