Ndemic is celebrating a wonderful achievement; James Vaughan, creator of Plague Inc. and Rebel Inc., has been named in Maserati’s top 100 for 2019. Maserati’s top 100 list is curated in partnership with The Sunday Times, and seeks to honour and commend British innovators and entrepreneurs.
Ndemic couldn’t have done this without your support. Without your enthusiasm and dedication to spreading the infection worldwide, we couldn’t have accumulated over 120 million players of Plague Inc. It’s this kind of achievement that continues to motivate us and fuel us in making more exciting games and content for you to enjoy.

“When I started making Plague Inc. as a hobby, I never could have imagined that it would have the scope it has today”, says James. “Everybody’s love for the game and support for the company has been so incredible.”
As we continue to work on new and exciting things for Rebel Inc., our most recent political/military strategic simulation game, we hope to create even more things that our community loves.