The Scenario Creator is here with Steam Workshop support! In this huge new update, you'll be able to play Rebel Inc. in fresh new ways in Custom Scenarios made by the community, or make your own with the Scenario Creator.
The Power to Change the World
Create a Custom Scenario
Choose all the details of your Scenario! Pick difficulty, governors, regions, category, start year. Set the stage for your epic operation!
Custom Governors & Tactics
We've given you the tools to make the Governor of your dreams! Give them a custom name and upload a new portrait before adjusting their skills in the Initiative Editor! The Scenario Creator also allows you to create your own Tactics and Features with custom icons and text before editing their effects.
Change the Game
Dive into the nuts and bolts of the game’s mechanics to configure Civilian, Military and Insurgent variables, radically changing the way Rebel Inc. plays!
Zones & Structures
Dig in the details of Zones! Adjust variables including Names, Population, Starting Control and more! Add structures to your Zones, including a variety of brand new ones such as Oil Derricks, Blockades, Arms Caches and Tunnels!
Take the Initiative
To really change the game and make truly unique Scenarios, you can create and edit your own Initiatives! Change their names, images and effects on mechanics, deploy Soldiers and Experts, or even activate Insurgent Tactics via Initiatives for extra deadly encounters!
We can't wait to see what you'll create!
Join the Discord or the Steam Community and share your creations with each other.
What's Next?
Versus Multiplayer is on the horizon! After that, we'll be working our way to Version 1.0 and leaving Early Access!