Hello Plague Inc. and Rebel Inc. players.
In a very busy year, we brought The Cure to new platforms and celebrated the 1.0 launch of Rebel Inc: Escalation for PC as well as creating some of our best updates yet!
As I have done at the end of each year, I wanted to look back and highlight some of our achievements and challenges, as well as talk about some of our plans for 2022.
Thanks to all our players for your support and enthusiasm.
Key Events from 2021:
We released Plague Inc: The Cure on Steam
Rebel Inc. got Weekly Challenges, starting the high score wars
I appeared on Kotaku's Splitscreen podcast
I talked at the ISNTD Microbiology conference and Plague Inc won an award!
We released a new region for Rebel Inc, Opium Trail!
It was Plague Inc.'s 9th Birthday!
Rebel Inc: Escalation creates friendships with Co-Op Multiplayer
Marius Masalar dives into making the Music of Rebel Inc.
We released the Stats & Progression update for Rebel Inc: Escalation
We released the Scenario Creator for Rebel Inc: Escalation, and the community has made a wonderful world of Custom Scenarios on the Steam Workshop
Rebel Inc: Escalation destroys friendships with VS Multiplayer - Control the Insurgents
Rebel Inc: Escalation leaves early access with it's 1.0 Release!
Released Official Scenarios for Rebel Inc: Escalation
Finally we rounded off the year with the new Golden Sands region for iOS and Android
Nothing will ever be as big as Plague Inc., but Rebel Inc. is 3 years old and still sits at the top of the top paid charts!
For the 9th year in a row Plague Inc. was one of the top selling games of the year worldwide, #2 Brazil and Russia, #3 in Italy, Turkey, Germany, #4 in UK, France and Australia, #6 in USA.
Over 170 million people have now played Plague Inc.!
Plans for 2022:
Scenario Creator, Custom Scenarios, Official Scenarios coming to Rebel Inc. mobile!
New maps and governors for Rebel Inc.
New content for Plague Inc. and Plague Inc: The Cure
Start work on a new game!
Top-Secret Plans coming soon ;)
Be sure to follow us on Facebook/Twitter, join our Discord or sign up to our mailing list below to be the first to hear about any Ndemic news.
Stay safe and look after yourselves,
James and the Ndemic Creations team