Headline features of Plague Inc. announced (and include some pop culture 'jokes'). See below for details:
• Stunning retina graphics with a highly polished interface (Contagion guaranteed)
• Full Save/Load functionality (28 Saves Later!)
• Highly detailed, hyper-realistic world with advanced AI (Outbreak management)
• Comprehensive in-game help and tutorial system (I am Legendarily helpful)
• 10 different disease types with radically different strategies to master (10 Monkeys?)
• 50+ countries to infect, hundreds of traits to evolve, thousands of world events to adapt to (Pandemic evolved)
• Game Center and OpenFeint support for scoreboards and achievements
• Full Save/Load functionality (28 Saves Later!)
• Highly detailed, hyper-realistic world with advanced AI (Outbreak management)
• Comprehensive in-game help and tutorial system (I am Legendarily helpful)
• 10 different disease types with radically different strategies to master (10 Monkeys?)
• 50+ countries to infect, hundreds of traits to evolve, thousands of world events to adapt to (Pandemic evolved)
• Game Center and OpenFeint support for scoreboards and achievements