Your people are restless. Launch new expeditions into the unknown to expand your civilization.
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1.1 Highlights
New Expeditions every day
Unique regions: Face new challenges in unknown territory
50+ Rewards to discover: Make your people stronger and upgrade your Settlements
Lots of balance, polish and bug fixes
Quality of Life
Animations for level select updated
New Achievements
Balance Changes
Normal Difficulty - Impatience Authority loss now slows when Authority is low
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug which meant zombies would never reanimate for Mega Brutal 2 and higher
Mega brutal difficulty 2 +: Impatience increased for Campaign maps that start with no zombies
Fixed bug where population traits wouldn't increase from Rewards correctly
Fixed bug where diversity wouldn't correctly increase chance of extra Population Traits
Fixed issue where the Cub Scout explore ability would stop working after Save/Load
Added Authority Gain to Technology 2
Added Morale increase to Technology 3
Added Stamina generation boost to Technology 4, 5, 6
Moved the Basic Resource Storage 2 reward from Technology 2 to 3
Fixed various save / load issues
Lots of other fixes