Time goes by so quickly at the moment, its hard to believe that it is almost 3 months since Plague Inc. first launched on the App Store!
In this time, I've stopped my day job in order to work on Plague Inc. full time, over 1.3 million people have downloaded Plague Inc and over 13 million games have been played! With the Android release and update 1.3 - things are only getting better!
Read on for news of whats going on at the moment and what the future holds.
Mutation 1.3 - The Neurax Worm expansion
This huge update is currently being reviewed by Apple and they should release it any day now - I can't wait!

For information about the update - check out the following articles:
Android getting Plague Inc. in September:
I am working with Miniclip to bring Plague Inc. to Android as soon as possible. It already works great on my Android test devices and we are currently doing the final polish and performance tweaks. It will be released towards the end of September.

Future Plans:
Currently working hard on lots of other things as well - here are some of them:
- High quality Plague Inc. trailer
- Localising Plague Inc. into other languages
- 1.4 update which will add ability to modify your genetic code
- Zombie Plague Type update (1.5) which will add the much requested zombie plague type in
- Planning for top secret new game (!)