Welcome to part two of a blog series detailing the lessons I learned when creating Plague Inc: The Board Game. Here I’ll focus on the manufacturing process - how I got the board game made and the company I worked with to do so.
Welcome to part two of a blog series detailing the lessons I learned when creating Plague Inc: The Board Game. Here I’ll focus on the manufacturing process - how I got the board game made and the company I worked with to do so.
It’s been another highly infectious year for Plague Inc., Plague Inc: Evolved and Plague Inc: The Board Game, with some incredible milestones reached over the last 12 months. Get a full diagnostic rundown in our annual blog special - including some sneaky previews of exciting things to come from Ndemic! ;)
The next update to Plague Inc. is now live! With this mutation comes three brand new official scenarios, each one bringing fresh challenges for Plague Inc. players to delve into.